Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome back to another episode of the creative visibility podcast where I show you how to take your creativity and make it more visible so you can finally make money doing what you love. I'm Bret Shuford. And I want to tell you about something coming up August 29, that you do not want to miss. And that is an entire month of working with me every single day to start making Instagram reels powerful, and consistent and a habit and growing your brand and your business. I have grown multiple accounts using Instagram reels over the last year to so much success. And like not every Instagram reels hits. And that's what I want to show you is like it's not about trying to hit it every time. It's about showing up consistently. So the ones that do hit take off and grow your following we had an Instagram real on Broadway husbands get 10 million views two months ago, it was one of the easiest things we've ever done. And that brought in over 60,000 new followers. So it is 100% possible if you just keep showing up. And I want to give you a chance to learn how to do that every single day for an entire month with me holding your hand along the way and that my friends you can do by going to IG reals boot camp.com ing wheels boot camp.com It's $149. And if you join the work, which we're going to dive into today, we're going to talk a little bit about the Instagram reels bonus programme, you actually will make that money back in two months. If you show up every single day to make reels. Taking this $149 course with me is going to actually pay for itself. So go check out IG reels bootcamp.com. Now onto the episode. You know every Tuesday. My goal here is to help you unlock your creativity. And so today we're staying on this theme of Instagram reels in anticipation of the Instagram reels bootcamp, which is coming up. But one of the things that I hear from a lot of people is they want to know, where do you find such awesome audios people are always coming to me going oh my gosh, you found that audio. It's hilarious. And of course, a lot of the marketing experts and Instagram experts right now are telling you don't even use other people's audio start creating your own original audio because Instagram is giving preferential treatment to that. Now personally, I have not seen that to be true. I have found that while some of my original audios do great. My lip syncs and using other people's audio still do great. So it could just be a way for Instagram to sort of say to people stop using other people's audios. But one of the things that I think is super important that I think so many people miss out on in figuring out how to build their Instagram following is that you need to I always say this, I should get shirts made that say this, you need to create more than you consume. And so many of us are consuming more than we create, which is easy to do, right? It's made to be a consumer platform. And so many of us who maybe didn't own a business when Instagram existed or used it as a social app for staying in touch with friends have gotten into a habit of just consuming and not actually consuming through the lens of how do I create something based on what I'm consuming. For me, that was a huge shift. And what it's done is by doing that by putting a lens up of okay, I'm going to consume with the intention to create every time I'm watching a piece of content, I'm automatically asking myself, can I make this work for my ideal audience? does this serve my audience in some way? Can they relate to this? Can I make this twist this in a way that tells a story that helps my audience feel related to take action or laugh? Right. So that for me was number one, we talked in the last episode about your ideal audience and how to really nurture that today, it's really I want you to start to think about okay, if I am going to open this app. This is I challenge a lot of my new clients with this. If I'm going to open this application right now, whether it's tick tock or Instagram, I need to be prepared to create before I close it, so I'm gonna hop on and I'm going to just aimlessly scroll, I'm not allowed to log off of this account until I've made something as well. I have to contribute to what I'm consuming. I need to create more than I consume. That's the goal. Not is that possible, not always, especially early on when you're starting to build habits. So in order to do that, one of the easiest ways that I have found my process is that when I am consuming I'm also
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Oh, saving those audios. What you can do on Instagram, if you've don't know this is you have the ability to save posts in your own profile. So what I typically do is as I'm consuming and I see something that like I could probably make that work, or maybe I can make that work, I will click on either if I'm in the reels feed, you would want to click on the three dots on the bottom right, and you'll see an ability to save. But my preference is to consume in the Instagram feed, not necessarily in the reels feed. And if you don't know what I mean, you'll learn more about that in the course coming up. But when I'm in my regular Instagram feed, I can hold down my finger on the little bookmark on the bottom right, you'll see a rectangle with a little indentation on the bottom, if I hold my finger down on that it will open up my saved folders. And what I do is I create a folder for each of my hub pillars of content. So I have one for Disney, I have one for coffee, I have one for coaching, I have one for inspiration. And then I have sort of a miscellaneous funny one, right, I save those pieces of content that I've consumed into one of those folders, then the first thing I do next time I open the app, if I don't make one, which I probably will usually I'm at a point now I've done this for so long, where I can usually make something out of the first one or two pieces of content that show up in my feed. And that means I can put my phone, open my phone, open his Instagram, I'm on for maybe five minutes, I make a reel, and I'm off. Now what I can do now, as well as I've got enough audio and ideas saved in each of these saved folders, that I can literally open my Instagram and go to those folders first. Now if you've taken the creative visibility programme, you know, I always tell you, you should have all of your hub pillars represented in some manner in your feed at all times. So that's typically about four or five categories that represent your brand. That's the quickest way to say it. So if I look in my feed, and I think you know, I haven't made something on Disney or coffee or coaching or inspiration in a while, why don't I just go to that specific folder and see what audios are there and see if there's a real as I can make. That's usually where I start. And before you know it, I've got so much inspiration that I never ever, ever feel stuck on what to create. Now, sometimes I'm in a mood to do more editing work, maybe add special effects, or I have more time. So I might make something a little more epic sometimes I just want to get it done. And so I find an audio that's super easy, super simple and requires very little effort. And I make it right and I just post it. The goal here is to not get it perfect just to get it done. And that is one of the biggest benefits of having these saved folders to always go to for inspiration so you never run out of creative ideas. Now I hope that helps you if you're somebody who's stuck on what to make or how to make it or any of those things, make sure you come check out IG reels boot camp.com come spend a month with me it's going to be super fun. We're gonna have some amazing people in there. You're gonna get to work with me live check out all the details there. IG reals boot camp.com And I'll talk to you in the next episode.