Going BIG

I want to start this year off being incredibly open and honest with you: Show-Business is hard!
Once about every six-months, I want to quit and go push people down Space Mountain at Disneyland.
It takes daily work to look at the glass half-full, stay empowered and prevent the disease of "Playing Small." That's why I do daily gratitude lists with my friends, Morning Pages, Meditation and Yoga. Right now I'm doing the Artist's Way with an awesome group of friends, and the support makes a hell of a difference!
I started the BRETwork as a way to feel empowered in my Acting life and to keep in touch with the people I wanted to keep in touch with, people like YOU!
So, to start the year off I'm setting new goals for myself and I want to share them with you:
1) I want to book a principle role in a Broadway Musical or Play by 2016.
2) I want to book at least 3 co-star or guest star roles on a network television show like Blue Bloods this year.
3) I wantto grow my coaching business to support my collaborative-creative endeavors (also our adoption process). We want to be Dad's by 2018.
It's important to set S.M.A.R.T. Goals so that we can see what direction we're going in and make sure we are building the right relationships.
What are your S.M.A.R.T. Goals for 2015? Tell me your New Year's goals, let's go for them together!
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