3 Ways to Get Out of That Branding Scheme

Do you ever feel the need to stop trying to brand yourself? There's a lot of coaches out there who help actors and creatives figure out their brand. This is the very reason why I say stop trying to do that is because what it does is it removes yourself from the equation.
You're now trying to work from the outside in, in order to create content and to become known so you can figure out this niche.
Here are three things that you can do to start actually sharing who you are from the inside out in everything you do.
Let Your Content Be an Extension of Your Creative Self
When you're creating your social media, you have to let that be an extension of your creative self. And even if you're not a creative - say you're a business owner or somebody who's in another industry - you are still a creator. We are all part of the great creator of this planet and we all have the possibility of using social media to be an extension of a creative gift that we are all given.
My first piece of advice to anyone who is trying to do social media or market their own business: start by sharing who you are.
One of the problems that I have with certain clients is that they come to me feeling icky and gross, like they're promoting or selling themselves all the time. And I always say, if you feel like you're promoting yourself, then you're forgetting why you do what you do.
If it feels like promoting, you're forgetting that you actually can help someone today who needs what you have. You are forgetting that you can solve that problem for them and that this is your unique opportunity to reach out and help them. So if it feels you're forgetting why you do it, you need to get back to your why.
Uniqueness is the Key
The other thing I always say to clients is stop focusing on trying to be original and focus on being unique. What makes you unique is you, you have a very specific take. If you feel like you're talking about the same things as other people, or you're serving a similar community as your peers, remember that your take is always going to be unique.
When I focused on being willing to share who I am, all the aspects of who I am and not just the things I think are going to get me the jobs that I want or the career that I want. Even just being willing to share gives people the chance to know and trust me.
Share Who You Are With The World
Not everybody is going to like you, it's not in your control what other people think of you.
Think of it this way: you are having a party and you get to invite people. The power rests on them if they want to be a part of it, not you. You've done your part by putting yourself out there.
Ask yourself: Am I willing to unapologetically share who I am today? If the answer is yes, then this is all you need to build a community of people who want to know you and your business.
When the timing is right, they're going to want to work with you. They're going to buy that product. They're going to want to hire you because they learned to know who you are, not just what you do.
How can you put yourself out there this week? Take a moment to just share who you are with the world, all of who you are, not just what you do.
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